Creativity Consulting–Workshops & Classes

Zoom Workshops Available to Schedule for Your Clients, Club,  Group or Company:  Creativity is Your Superpower! A three-hour workshop/playshop designed to jump start your creative process, rekindle dormant creative dreams, and give 10 keys to creative success.  Participants learn...

Sing From the Heart Voice Lessons

Lucy takes a select number of students for private voice instruction and teaches group classes on request. In a safe, supportive, nurturing environment, learn about the three foundations of healthy singing.  Release blocks preventing you...

What is Musepoetography?

Muse-poet-ography is the combined pursuit of music + poetry + photography, with at least 2 of the 3 being professionally realized. It is a newly acknowledged multi-genre creative field that has infinite varieties of combination...

Upcoming and Previous Events

Saturday May 4, 2024 Poetry Corners LIVE Bainbridge Island! 5pm at BIMA (Bainbridge Island Museum of Art). Lucy joins a group of jolly and talented local poets who will be sharing poems that adorned the...

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Singing Classes & Workshops

Sing From the Heart Classes & Workshops– Live and on Zoom:

  • Loving Your Authentic Voice  This 90 minute workshop assists you to gently let go of past limiting beliefs & reclaim your natural joy in singing! In a fun, safe and nurturing atmosphere, learn how to identify and let go of old false beliefs about your singing voice. Have you ever stopped yourself from singing, even when you were ALONE because you flashed back to a moment where someone said, acted like or indicated you SHOULDN’T sing? Did you believe them and stop forever? Did you once try to sing in public and felt scared, embarrassed or ashamed, stopping as soon as you had begun? Did anyone ever tell you to “shut up” or “Just mouth the words”? Do you have music in your heart and soul but feel too scared to let it out? In this workshop we discover ways to let go of past painful experiences regarding our voice– or someone else’s–and to let go of judgment and come into our natural birthright as singers. EVERY HUMAN BEING IS A SINGER AND HAS THE RIGHT TO SING! Singing is fun, healthy and a doggone natural mode of expression for all people across the planet! We will use fun exercises, small and large group sharing, and group revelation to see just how common old limiting beliefs are and how to set them aside to move forward with JOY! Learning to love your natural singing voice is a powerful conduit to self-esteem, acceptance and overall health and well being. Join us and feel the happiness that freeing your voice can bring.                                                     
  • Sing From the Heart: Beginning Singing Class  This class is designed for anyone and everyone who loves to sing, wishes they “could” sing,  thinks they “can’t” sing, and is looking for support to free their inner singer! In a supporting, nurturing, safe space, participants learn basic fundamentals of healthy singing, breath support, and pitch-matching techniques to help make singing a more fun, enjoyable and empowering experience! Yes you CAN sing! 
  • Sing From the Heart: Find Your Inner Song  Learn to listen at a deeper level for greater harmonious sound production and a richer, more substantial resonance.  In this class we will explore the ways to increase and enhance your authentic natural sound, by using easy to learn vocal techniques and combining them with greater awareness of our own natural vocal vibration signature.  Discover ways to listen within at a new level and apply this awareness to your singing.  Each person has a unique, authentic natural voice which through experiences of life they may be actualized to a greater or lesser degree.  In a safe and supportive environment, rediscover that natural sound that comes when you are relaxed, set up for healthy vocal production and listening at a deep level.  
  • Singing the Ani-Hu and Beyond: Tuning in With Each Other  This 2 1/2-hour class assists participants in bringing their listening skills to an even deeper level when chanting the sacred tone Ani-Hu (from sanskrit, approximately meaning empathy with God or empathy with unconditional love).  Learn easy, gentle, effective techniques to bring your out-loud chanting into greater loving harmony!  Remember how to listen inside *and* outside.  It has been said that chanting the Ani-Hu is a way to come into greater harmony together in a group.  To speak plainly, sometimes that doesn’t always happen, like those times your group is chanting and you secretly peek and look around and see people grimacing and holding their hands up to their ears–or when your facilitator says, “Okay, let’s try that one again!”  This class is a fun gentle way to come into greater loving cooperation with yourself and others through improved listening and vocal resonance.  

For more information and to schedule a workshop or class for your group or community, please click here.

What is Musepoetography?

Muse-poet-ography is the combined pursuit of music + poetry + photography, with at least 2 of the 3 being professionally realized. It is a newly acknowledged multi-genre creative field that has infinite varieties of combination and expression. Those pursuing this field experience the heightening of creative expression using the lenses of each genre to amplify and gain greater awareness of the others.


Lucy P. Dickinson has been active in the field of multi-genre creativity for thirty years.  She is the founder of Sing From the Heart Voice Coaching and a pioneer in the genre of Musepoetography.  She is a published poet, photographer and writer and has been a singer/songwriter since the age of 16.  Her creative background includes children’s musical director, comedy improv featured performer, performance artist, steel drum band member, fog machine operator, church soloist/music/choir director and camp counselor. She loves assisting people in finding peace, joy and happiness through their natural authentic creative expression.  Before the pandemic, Lucy divided her time between the Pacific Northwest, Eastern Washington and Southern California.  Currently, she resides in a magical dwelling overlooking Eagle Harbor Bay in Bainbridge Island, WA. 

Performer Bio:

“Multi-genre creative artist Lucy P. Dickinson shares her unusual gift of seeing and sharing the hidden beauty in life that others often miss—through uplifting original songs in the folk/singer-songwriter genre, healing and humorous narrative poems, and projections of  luminous portrait, nature and landscape photography.  The connecting element in her work is an energy of healing light and sound that connects listeners and viewers to a deeper level of multi-dimensional awareness.  Themes of love, spiritual awakening, healing, recovery, humor, and seeing what is commonly unseen travel across her lyrics, poetry and visual imagery.  Nature is a central theme in her work—both the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest and North American West Coast which she photographs extensively, as well as the essential nature of human beings, caught in moments full of joy, vulnerability, creativity and authentic expression.  Her singing voice resonates with a sonorous, rich, comforting, clear and healing tone.  Lucy’s performances evoke a field of creative resonance that empowers audiences to connect with their own creativity, healing awareness and authentic empowerment.”