Saturday May 4, 2024
Poetry Corners LIVE Bainbridge Island! 5pm at BIMA (Bainbridge Island Museum of Art). Lucy joins a group of jolly and talented local poets who will be sharing poems that adorned the spaces of downtown Bainbridge throughout National Poetry Month! Hear LPD read her original poem Supernova. And after today all of these poems will be in an anthology! Thanks to Arts and Humanities Bainbridge for Poetry Corners 2024.
July 16, 2022 10AM Special Piano, Guitar and Vocal Music at Suquamish UCC
Lucy gets to play the new GRAND PIANO at UCC Suquamish!! Come hear special improvised piano pieces: The prelude “Opening Our Hearts” and the Postlude: “Gratitude for Unexpected Wonders”! Plus a solo for voice and guitar, original song “God Wrote a Poem”. If you think God is only one gender in this song, think again! :o) This church is a beautiful, welcoming, spiritually alive community. They have remodeled their sanctuary in the past few years, and the acoustics are AMAZING!!! They also have hybrid services so you can check it out on Zoom or in person. For more info on who they are:
2023 Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation Monthly Sing-alongs:
Sing Along With Lucy!
These sing-alongs happen the third Friday of the month (USUALLY) from 10:30-11:30am. Check the BISNF website calendar to check for sure! Here is the link to the BISNF calendar page:
We sing an eclectic mix of fun favorites with songbooks, percussion instruments and freedom to move, dance and play while singing! We have super fun, and each month the members of BISNF get to choose a new song to add to the songbook for next month.
If you would like to attend, there are a few spots available by pre-arrangement. Please send a message through the contact me portal of this website. If that does not work, you can contact me through my facebook page (Lucy P. Dickinson)
Lucy is the featured musician at the Bainbridge Island Farmers’ Market this SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2022, 10:30am-1:30pm. Address: 208 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Island, WA. Originals, covers, ukulele specials, kids music, and improvisational piano! Free and All welcome!


SPECIAL ZOOM CLASS: Intro to Creative Spiritual Tech 1: Hands of Transformation
Join a group of creative adventurers as we explore a simple yet powerful creative art technique involving our most precious instruments of creativity, our HANDS.
No experience needed.
Bring to class– Paper or journal, notebook sketchpad, any writing surface! Plus, any writing utensil i.e. pen, pencil, marker. Colored markers are helpful but not necessary to learn the technique.
This class is free and you will have the opportunity to give an optional donation if you wish after the class.
We will also be diving into the relationship we have with our hands, their meaning to us and practice a process deepening our experience.
Sign up: You can sign up on Facebook at the Page “Spiritual Creative Tech” or by contacting me through this website.
Bainbridge Island Farmer’s Market:
Lucy will be sitting in with famous local troubadour Rick Barrenger, doing some originals, many fun covers and duets, and enjoying the wonderful BI Village community!
March 12, 2020
Musepoetography Performance & Discussion
Chelan Public Library, Free and Open to all! Mini Performance and Audience discussion! Original projected photography, original poems and songs combine to create a creative tapestry for your senses and imagination! For all people including creatives and those who wish to be more creative!
216 N Emerson St, Chelan, WA
Chelan Public Library
Free, All Welcome! POSTPONED
February 7, 14, 21, and 28, March 6 and 13, 2020
Friday Sing-Alongs with Chelan High School Life Skills Classroom!
Private, scheduled event through Let’s Get Singing @
January 16, 2020

Creative Journaling Class
Chelan Public Library
Thursday evening, Jan 16, 5:30-7pm, Free!
Awesome and fun! Bring a journal And prepare to get creative! Pens, stamps and ink provided! For Writers AND Decorators!
January 22, 2020
LPD is Guest at Manson, WA Kiwanis Club!
Presentation on Musepoetography, Let’s Get Singing, and Creative Expression. 7pm, Manson Grange, Free.
Contact for additional info @
December 7, 14 and 21
FREE Holiday Sing Alongs in Manson, WA!
All Welcome! All Ages! No experience necessary! 3:30-4:15 Saturdays
At the beautiful Parks and Rec Building at 142 Pedoi Street in Manson!
November 26-Dec 19, 2019
Spirit of Creativity 4-Part Series – Postponed!
Chelan, WA

October 3, 2019
Improvisational Piano Music For Peace, Relaxation and Healing
A Participatory Moment as part of Pianos For Peace in Ashland OR
Outside the Ashland Springs Hotel Downtown Ashland
Free for All
September 10, 2019
Original Piano Music for Peace, Relaxation and Healing
Madison House
Bainbridge Island, WA
June 9, 2019
Ojai, CA:

Lucy is Guest Photography Artist at Ojai Artists Pop Up Shop!
Date: Sunday June 9, 2019
Time: 11am-4pm
Location: 509 Drown Ave, between Oak Street and Grand Avenue in Ojai
My friend Leslie is an amazing artist currently showing her original hand painted scarves (see photo below). I’m so excited to join her and a selection of other artists and artisans. I’ll have a selection of landscape prints from recent travels, as well as some cool photo doo-dads, and special orders available! We will have snacks, a band and dancing… Come check it out! 🙂
ONGOING: Improvisational Piano for Relaxation and Healing
Wednesdays at the Gables in Ojai, April-June, 2019
Location: Montgomery and Grand Avenue, Main Lounge
Time: 5:30-6pm
Cost: Free
Lucy plays peaceful improvisational piano music just right to help you relax and slow down at this free community event.
Visit with loved ones and our elder community at the Ojai Gables while taking some time out.
All welcome.
Lucy is Guest DJ for Heath Perry’s Heath’en Dance in Ojai!
Date: Friday, May 10, 2019
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Hamsa Dance Studio–109 E El Roblar Dr, Ojai, CA 93023
Cost: $10 suggested donation
Come express your creative self through movement and dance in a safe, fun, community environment! Move on the beautiful dance floor in the gorgeous Hamsa Studio, with yoga mats, fit balls and quiet spaces to rest between forays on the dance floor! We will start with a group circle, followed by a warm-up, the floor will be open for dancing for 90 minutes before slowing the groove for a natural warm down. ALL WELCOME.
Music: Old School Dance Favorites from the 50s through the 90s!
Come as you are and be prepared to have fun!
Ojai Farmers Market
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Sitting in with Cordell on vocals, harmonies and percussion
Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce
November 1, 2018
Christmas Songs, Vocals and Harmonies
Ojai Earth Day Dances of Universal Peace- Free and Open to All!
Saturday April 21, 2018
Earth Day Celebration in Ojai,
Libbey Park, Ojai. 12:30pm
Amira Webster Leads dances, Lucy accompanies on guitar and vocals.
Solo Piano at St. Mark’s Cathedral New Year’s Eve Labyrinth Walk
December 31, 2017
Seattle, WA
5-6 pm
Solo Piano Featured in LA Sound Bath Journeys:
Select Tuesdays January-June, 2017, 7pm
Location: Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens in Downtown Los Angeles, 3500 West Adams Boulevard, LA.
Introduction to Meditation and Sound: A Deeper Experience. With Paul Kaye, President of PAL&G.

Muspoetography Show in Ojai! (Sold Out) Sunday, November 19, 2017
Lucy Dickinson Solo Show featuring Music, Poetry and Photography showcasing creative output from recent travels in US and Canada!
Sunday, November 19, 5-7PM Ojai Underground Exchange
Special guest lumen artist Tim Fitzgerald bio:
Tim creates immersive visual experiences by exploring light, shadow, color and motion through interpretive live video editing. Tim has performed his live work in the American Southwest and California, particularly in the Ojai Valley. You can follow Tim’s photography on Instagram @decelorator.
Dances of Universal Peace, Ojai,
November-May, 2017
Lucy leads the music for this monthly series of gentle, community supportive dance evenings featuring dances from various faith traditions around the world. Learn new songs and easy simple-to-learn dances led by Certified Dance Leader Amira Susan Webster. Fun, friendly, and no dance or music experience required!
At Sacred Space Studio in Ojai. There will be a meditative intermission. $10 per person.
All Welcome!
Some Possible Events Coming Up By Request or Fate or Design or For the Joy of It:
Creativity Coffeehouse
Enjoy an evening hosted by LPD featuring local artists of varying genres each presenting their art for 10 minutes followed by a 10 minute Q and A with the audience.
Featured theme: “Creativity and Peace”.
Poetry Reading: Hidden Treasure
LPD’s original memoir-inspired poetry covering subjects including relationships, healing, trauma, recovery, spirituality, empowerment, consciousness, joy, nature and the human condition.
Solo Singer/Songwriter Show with Special Guest Artists
All original songs for voice, piano and guitar ranging in genre from ballads to humorous to protest songs to spiritual resonance experiences.